
Business Services Firms Invest in Marketing & Sales

2022 Outlook: Increasing Investments in Marketing, Sales and Service

Leading firms recently weighed in on their outlook for revenue growth in 2022. The results―the need for changes in current go-to-market strategies that will increase investments in marketing, sales and service. A/I, marketing automation, pull content solutions and search engine optimization topped the list for marketing investments while hybrid inbound/outbound generalists and specialist roles along with revenue operations are most important for sales. Service priorities center on investments in customer success roles for increased client engagement and retention.

For the overall sales outlook, 73% of respondents see higher investments in industry specialists in 2022 followed closely by product specialists. Revenue operations will be a primary focus to help gain strategic customer insights through data science means.

To access the full findings, download the on-demand webinar:

Business Services - Webinar Repay - Sales Pulse Trends - Alexander Group, Inc.

For more information, please contact an Alexander Group practice lead.

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