Industrials, Capital Equipment & IIoT

The Future is XaaS

Align Talent with Technology

Technology advancements proliferate, requiring new and strategic offerings within the industrial and capital equipment space. As a result, sales leaders must invest in new go-to-market models.

The industrial and capital equipment market is projected to grow 8.8% year-over-year from 2020-2025 due to strengthened consumer demand, increasing adoption of Industry 4.0 and industrial internet of things (IIoT) enabled smart devices.

While innovative XaaS offerings drive expansion opportunities, leaders are now questioning if the right talent and roles are in place to replace legacy “one-and-done” selling with the revenue continuity model of XaaS. In addition, changes to sales compensation plans are inevitable to align sellers’ pay with strategic growth goals.

Are industrials set up for XaaS selling? Alexander Group aligns evolving go-to-market models with XaaS selling strategies to ensure revenue growth and alignment with business objectives.

How We Help

  • XaaS metrics: Gain insight into the right metrics and practices for profitable XaaS growth.
  • Coverage models: Target the right opportunities with the right value by determining your market opportunity and specialty roles.
  • Services selling: Provide services wrapped around products as a value-add for customers to lock in predictable revenue.
  • Revenue Operations: Invest in Revenue Operations to integrate Marketing, Sales and Service and drive commercial efficiency.
  • Sales compensation: Align sales compensation and quota programs to motivate and achieve more aggressive business goals.
  • Channel sales: Determine the partner strategy and build an effective partner program ecosystem. Drive profitable growth in Installation and Service operations.

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