Marketing Survey
Marketing Organizational Structures and Performance Insights Study
Alexander Group is conducting a study with marketing leaders to gain insights on how marketing organizations are redefining roles, responsibilities and establishing metrics for success.
Key topics include:
1. How are marketing organizations investing in and differentiating role responsibilities across the marketing organization?
- What levels of resources are in place?
- What types of functions and jobs are in place?
- How are they structured?
- What roles do they typically have in-house vs. outsourced?
2. How does the marketing measurement model help to effectively manage the business for executives and functional groups?
- How do you get alignment on the health/priorities of the business at the functional and executive level?
The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. All information is confidential and will only be shared in aggregate.
Findings will include investment profiles by sub-function / role and marketing team structures based on functional maturity. All participants will receive a complimentary copy and readout of the report.
Provide your insights – take the survey today
Participation is complimentary.

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